Mainstream media has developed a habit of editorialising almost every story they publish. Finding an article which tells that story in the context of what the average business owner deals with every day, is increasingly difficult.
No doubt many environmental purists would disagree with the idea that making the necessary changes within an existing business is not as simple as one day deciding to be sustainable, bit that’s the reality when you operate a small or micro business.
This article needs a little bit deeper into the recent world political event, COP26, which has just concluded in Glasgow. As you read it, you understand more about the sustainability destination and you’ll learn a little bit more about how to get there without breaking the bank.
And getting there without breaking the bank is a big part of the message that ASES (accross – sustainable ethical services) will help you to deliver.
You can follow the link the article by clicking on this image.
If you’d like to know more about how you can jump on the sustainability bandwagon in a way that works for your business, you know where to find me.