
No rules, no restriction. Bringing years of real business experience to your business to help you decide your path to however you measure success.

  • More than you imagine

  • Scaling big business thinking to small business

  • We mentor, coach and advise. We even challenge.

Finding the right level of advice has never been harder. While free advice is abundant, how do you know what’s right for you? ClearThinkn will learn how you work and what you want from your business. And only then will we provide advice. No formulas.

Business Builder

A great idea drives a business. Sales and cash flow sustain it. A solid platform underpins it. Building your business will take time and knowhow.

  • Built on comprehensive yet simple blocks

  • Each block prioritised. Implemented at the right time

  • Addresses issues before they become problems

You work hard to bring your dreams to fruition and there’s always something to distract. Too often important issues, processes and regulation are overlooked. Business Builder is designed to show you with the whole picture. We work out what to do and when. You’ll want to be sure there’ll be no surprises.


There’s an app for this. And there’s an app for that. Before you know it, there’s an app for everything. And then there’s chaos.

  • We learn what you do

  • We learn how you like to work

  • You get a no fuss, simple solution

Finding the right mix of solutions is no trick, it’s just the smart thing to do. One integrated app to do the job of many will create efficiencies across your whole day. The right solution will add value and provide functionality beyond today and into tomorrow. Designed to let you do what you do best.


Information makes running your business easier. Decision making with insight leads to better outcomes. How do you do that without breaking the bank?

  • No drowning in data

  • Big business tools, small business focus

  • Artificial intelligence at your service 24/7

Predict your cash flow future with income forecast reports and track against targets with KPI dashboard software. Easily build scenarios and have your “What if?” questions answered. You can take control with AI-analysed cash at bank snapshots of actual and forecast periods. And more.


The almost Virtual Assistant. Face to face or remote admin support by real Australian teams, when you need it, where you need it.

  • Regular or one off tasks

  • Trusted teams, experienced business managers

  • Urgent response to urgent tasks

A service designed to allow you to do what you do best – generate income! Anything that diverts you from your key focus can be outsourced until you can genuinely make a profiable decision to employ an in house administrator. As little or as much as you need.


Simple bookkeeping and payroll services that let you do as little or as much as you want.

  • People who care

  • Intelligent cloud bot technology

  • Choice of proven solution providers

Our teams approach ensures you are not disadvantaged with unforeseen absences. We use machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and simple to use smart software solutions to make your life easier. We keep you compliant. You stay in control. Registered BAS agent 26135003.


Your team, using powerful and secure intelligent cloud solutions to smoothly manage payroll and related HR functions.

  • Intelligent rosters, timesheets and payroll

  • Flexible workforce management

  • ATO and FairWork compliance

With payroll and workforce management becoming more complex daily, and with both ATO and FairWork Australia using more sophisticated data matching, it’s more important than ever to get it right. Our team focus works for you and keeps everyone happy. Registered BAS agent 26135003.

Your Tax Coordinator

Single Touch Payroll, Instalment Activity Statement, Business Activity Statement, Fringe Benefits Tax, Company Tax. Coordinated by us to save you the headache.

  • Reconciled ready to lodge

  • BAS agent, Tax agent. Your choice

  • Tax compliance issues. Solved

Lodgement deadlines come around too quickly. Being ready is time consuming. Getting it wrong is increasingly risky and penalties can be expensive. Being ready and staying complaint has nver been easier. Our options put you in the driver’s seat every day of the year. Registered BAS agent 26135003.

Ready for the Driver’s Seat?

Book a consultation with one of our experts here
